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What Are the Benefits of Smart Lighting? (DIY Smart Home)

One of the most popular items you might need to buy when upgrading your house or commercial building to a smart one is smart lighting. What exactly do people refer to when they say “smart lighting” and what are the benefits of replacing traditional lighting with smart lights?

What Is Smart Lighting?

As the name suggests, smart lighting refers to any modern lighting devices and fixtures (bulbs, led strips, outdoor lanterns, switches, etc.) that can be controlled remotely and have some additional features. Smart lighting differs from conventional or traditional lighting because of these modern features such as the ability to detect motion, be controlled remotely, change colors and light intensity, etc.

Most modern smart homes often have a majority of the lighting fixtures and bulbs being smart and connected to a central command hub or system. This way, they are part of a greater system that allows you to control them with great convenience and offer access to fancier options.

There is, therefore, no doubt that installing smart lights is a necessity for your DIY smart home but what are some of the direct benefits of investing in them?

4 Direct Benefits of Installing Smart Lighting 

  • Smart Lighting Offers Convenience 

Imagine being able to turn off your outdoor lights without leaving your bedroom when you go to sleep, or dimming your living lights from the comfort of your couch. This is, perhaps one of the biggest advantages of having smart building lighting as opposed to traditional lighting. Smart lights allow you to control all your lights using a remote device like a smartphone, handheld controller, or voice commands if you connect them to a smart home speaker like the Google Nest Hub.

The convenience is even more pronounced if you invest in sophisticated smart lighting systems for a commercial space. Instead of having to individually turn on lights, you can connect them to a central system and have them controlled from that point. Even better commercial smart lighting systems can be equipped with motion sensors so they can turn on or increase light intensity when there are people around.

  • Smart Lighting Is More Efficient 

Due to the amount of control you have over your smart lighting system, you can be able to save a lot of energy on your lighting over time as compared to traditional lighting that is under one setting. You can alter the brightness of your smart light when there is enough light coming from the windows or when there is no need for bright lights.

There is so much control over smart lighting that is normally impossible or hard to implement on traditional system lighting systems. Some of the apps or smart light dashboards used to control these lights can show you data on how much energy is being utilized by your entire light system and suggest how you can reduce your consumption. The ability of motion detection for the more sophisticated smart lighting system can also help cut your energy consumption significantly.

  • Smart Lights Have A Longer Lifespan

You should expect at least 30,000 to 50,000 hours from a modern smart light bulb using LED technology as compared to traditional incandescent lights that last for a maximum of 2,000 hours. This is in addition to the features you get with the smart lighting. Of course, you can get normal light lighting bulbs using the same technology but the best innovation in this sector is currently going to smart lighting solutions for obvious commercial reasons.

  • Multiple Features: More Than Just A Light Bulb

Why settle for a simple incandescent light when you can have one that has many more fancy features to enhance your space? Smart lighting can be made to change colors depending on your mood or preferences, dim or increase light intensity, match the color on your TV, set a mood to help you sleep, etc.

There are definitely many more advantages to installing smart lighting over traditional lighting such as security, customization, ability to integrate with other systems in your space, etc. Having them as part of your DIY home setup is therefore a no-brainer.